Wednesday 2 July 2008

The First One...

Welcome to my blog!

Here I am at this silly hour starting up something that I have never done before - sharing my world with everyone on a blog! I've been reading some blogs for a long time now, so it was about time that I started my own...

A Moody Medic seems an ideal title - it's all I've been called since I collected my 1st year medicine results. No, not because my results were terrible - I actually did better than expected and passed with flying colours! - but because of the loooooooong summer stretched ahead of me...

Let me explain:

I'm a work-a-holic (paid work, that is :P) Always have been. So the idea of a long summer with nothing to do makes me moodier than ever! I've contacted the agency I used last summer for a job - now I just wait. If I don't get a job soon, i'll go crazy!

So... Join me in my quest for a summer job, and surviving Year 2 of Med School!

Happy reading :P


Dragonfly said...

Welcome to the Blogisphere. I love cooking...not only do you get to eat it but it is a fantastic way to procrastinate. But then if you are living at home it is avoidable...I've been living out for 8 years so it isn't really.

A Moody Medic said...

Hey! Thanks for the welcome :D
I only like cooking when there's no pressure for it to be perfect - at home there are LOADS of people to cook for, and everyone is a judge lol! But I get what you mean about procrastination - baking is my method ;)
Thanks for the comment :)


The Little Medic said...

Look forward to reading :)